Saturday 7 December 2013

Page Numbers

  Today I have added individual page numbers to the contents page and I have also added a sub-title for this section. For the sub-title I have used the same font as the main title for the contents page. I have done this so that the reader knows that it is an important part of the contents page and includes significant page numbers that they will want to be aware of. However this sub-title is not as big as the main title of the contents page, this is because, while it is still important, it is not as important as the main title. In addition there would not be enough room and it would not be practical for the sub-title to be as large as the main title. The sub-title is “Inside This Month...”

  I have also added all of the relevant page numbers to the contents page today. The numbers are very big and in bright pink and black. I have specifically chosen these two colours because they are both very bold and noticeable, rather than just blending into the background, and they both contrast one another.

  In addition I have added a grey border around this section to separate it from the rest of the contents page and so it does not blend with other features.

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