Thursday 5 December 2013


  Today I have finished off and edited my article for my double page spread. In the article the interviewer is very informal when asking the girl group questions, this is because formal questions would come across too serious and perhaps too complicated for my young target audience. While I and aware that formal questions give the impression that the interviewer is professional and has experience, I don't believe that my target audience would be able to relate to this format. In addition I don't think that, for my target audience, they focus on weather or not the interviewer uses correct English, they would rather the interviewer be on their level and asking questions that they would like to know the answers to.
  For this reason I have used very chatty and informal language when asking the questions, I have also made the questions personal and revealing in favour of the fans.

  Initially I intended to format my article in columns as many other magazines and newspapers do. However, after evaluating different magazines that have published interviews in the past in the question and answer format, I have noticed that many do not use columns for a double page spread interview as there is not enough room. As my double page spread has boxes and different stories dotted around it, I think that a no-column format is best fitting for the interview.

  In terms of the responses of the girl group I have tried to make their responses very loud and interesting. I also used things such as the word 'giggles' in brackets so that the audience feel more involved in the interview and they know what is going on while the interview is being conducted not simply the answers the girl group give. This also brings humour to the interview/article it suggests to the reader that if the girl group are laughing then it must be funny, so they will laugh and find the article more interesting too.
  Also in the article I have used dramatic short sentences, such as when Megan replies "well." to the interviewer. This builds suspense for the reader and makes them aware that something interesting is coming. It also makes the reader want to read on and learn more about the situation.
  In addition I have used long, descriptive sentences in the final answer given by the girl group. This is to summaries and tie up any loose ends in the interview. It also slows down the interview slightly (whilst still giving detailed information) and brings it to a close.

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