Thursday 5 December 2013

MGTM Music Awards - Text

  For the text I gave information about the awards the people in the first two images won. I also gave them Hollywood names to make them them sound famous and like they are genuine celebrities. For the second image of Kelan and Grace I said that they were boyfriend and girlfriend and gave a bit more information about that. For this piece of text I was much more formal as I wanted it to come across as important information and in the way that newsreaders present the news.
  For the first image, as it is longer portrait rather than landscape, I have wrapped the text around the image so that there is not big, blank spaces either side of the image. Whereas I have written the text underneath the second image as this image is bigger landscape rather than portrait.
  The text is white because I wanted it to contrast the black text of the interview on the same page. In addition it adds a bit of variety to the page to keep the reader interested rather than the page just looking like one huge chunk of text.

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