Thursday 5 December 2013

MGTM Music Awards - First Image

  Today I have produced the first image for the music awards column. The image that I used was an image that I took of two of my friends (Sarah and Collette) at prom in July. I wanted to use this image because the girls are in formal attire and therefore look like they could be going to an awards ceremony as both have the same dress code.

  Above is the image of the girls at prom before I edited it. I decided to edit it because they are meant to be going to the MGTM music awards so I felt that it would be fitting to have the girls on a red carpet.
  So firstly I used 'clipping magic' (an Internet website) to remove the background of the image . The image then was just the girls and a plain white background and my next step was to add in an alternative background. Next I created a logo for the MGTM music awards because I wanted the logo to be behind the girls on the red carpet as an advertisement board like that which celebrities are normally photographed in front of at similar events. To create the logo I typed MGTM in block capitals and then on the next line music awards. Then I simply wrapped a red oval around the text for a more 'Hollywood' look. The logo is shown below:
  The next thing that I did was to copy and past the logo into a Microsoft PowerPoint document numerous time and align them on the white background of the powerpoint so that it looked like a professional advertisement board at a music awards ceremony. Then I needed to put in the red carpet. For this I just inserted a red rectangle at the bottom of the advertising board and gave the red rectangle texture using the different effects on powerpoint.
  Then all I had to do was place the image of the girls over the background image to make a new image of the girls at the music awards. I also had to position the girls so that it looked good with the advertisement board in the background- so that the logos were not in strange places. The finished result is shown below:




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