Saturday 7 December 2013

Contents Page - Competition

  I have decided to have a section on my contents page advertising the competition page at the back of the magazine. I have done this because for many young girls the competition part is their best part of the magazine as they love entering competitions.  I began this section of the contents page by typing out ‘Contents...’ in bold pink. This is acting as the title for this section.

  I then added the competition bubble that I have also used on the front page and double page spread. I did this as it is an important competition that many girls will want to win. I then added a large picture of Hatty (as Courtney May) that I have taken previously, there is no background to this image as I removed it using an online background remover. Next I added the competition relevant to ‘Courtney May’ down the right hand side of the image so that readers can relate the image with the competition. The text for this is a size 16 and in bold so that it stands out to the reader.

  The final step for the competition section was to add the page number. For this I used Microsoft PowerPoint to generate a bold, blue star and then (in white text) I wrote in p49. Here is how the competition section looks:

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