Tuesday 10 December 2013

Fresh Music

  Now I have moved the 'fresh music text' as the green bar down the side of the front cover no longer exists. i have moved the text to the bottom of the page and placed it in an arrow which is pointing right. the arrow is baby pink with a light blue out line, this maintains the colour scheme.

  Behind the arrow I have added a light purple bar (it is the same colour as the skyline). In this bar I have added images of people that will feature in the magazine. This will interest the reader and make them want to find out more about why the people are in the news so they will buy the magazine. Another reason for me adding the bar is because most pop music magazines have something running across the bottom of the page. Also in this bar, in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine, I have included the box that contains the barcode, the issue number, the date and the price. In addition I have added an image of Rachel popping out from behind this box so that it adds a bit more fun and originality to the front cover of the magazine.
  I have added the bar at the bottom of the page rather than anywhere else because I originally had the main image touching the bottom of the page which left a large gap above the girls' heads and I was unsure of what to fill this gap with. My solution was to add the bar and then move the image up and fill the empty space above. I have also moved the 'exclusive interview with' text from over the image and above the CRUSH logo to above the girls' heads instead. I did this because I didn't want too much text to take over the main image and now it also fills space above the image.


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