Friday 6 December 2013

Contents Page - Third Image

  For the third image on my contents page I used on of the pictures of my friend (Hatty) that I took for the front page of my music magazine where she was in front of the green screen. Because she was in front of a green screen I had to add in an alternative background as I didn't want the green screen as my background. Instead I place in a light pink background, I did this using a pink square from PowerPoint. I used pink because it fits in with the quite qirly image of Hatty. Again I placed the yellow square with page number on top in the bottom right hand corner of the image. I copied the square from the first image and produced the page number using a font generator. I have also added another quote below this image to advertise this specific article in the magazine.
  I have placed this image to the right of the main image on the contents page and just below the second image. So far the contents page looks like this:
  I am pleased with the way my contents page is coming along because it looks very fund and poppy but at the same time looks professional. I am also pleaded with where I have positioned the images because I feel that this will appeal to m y target audience rather than a page that consists of mainly text and drab, boring colours.

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