Saturday 7 December 2013

Blue Box

  Today I have started work on the blue box on the double page spread of my music magazine. The first thing that I did was to put a picture in. I used one of the pictures that I took of Rachel when I took all of my experimental pictures. In the image Rachel expresses a surprised/happy look. I chose this image because I wanted the story in the blue box to be something that will shock the reader. For the image I removed the background because it was not suitable for the magazine, I did this using the online background remover again. I replaced the old background with a new plain white one.

  The next thing that I did was produce the title for the blue box. I did this using an ordinary font from Microsoft Publisher. I then put a cloud, with a black outline, around the text for effect. The first line of the text is in bright pink and italics so that it stands out to the reader. It also has an exclamation mark for emphasis to show the reader that the news is important. The next line of the text is in plain black which acts as contrast. This line of text reads ‘Baby Madness’, this gives the reader an ideas about what the article is about and makes them want to read on. My next step will be to add in the text.

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