Saturday 7 December 2013

Cool Posters

 At the bottom of the contents page of m y music magazine I have inserted an advertisement for posters throughout the magazine. I have chosen to do this because many pop magazines for young girls tend to have at least one poster within the magazine. To create it I inserted into the publisher document, where I am creating the magazine, a bold blue rectangle. I edited the rectangle so that it fits along the bottom of the contents page. The next step was producing the text that reads ‘cool posters’. I produced the font this time using Microsoft PowerPoint rather than a font generator. I selected two different light shades of blue for the text because blue is normally associated with the literal meaning of the word ‘cool’- cold and icy. I have also added a slight glow to ‘cool’ because it also fits in with the cold and frosty image.

  The next thing that I did was to but some examples of posters the reader would find throughout the magazine. The images that I have selected for this are images that I have already taken throughout the production of my music magazine. For example I have used the album cover that is show on the cover page of the magazine. I have overlapped all of the images to give them a fun and interesting look as I feel if they were all in a straight line it would make the magazine look too boring and simplistic. Below is an image of the ‘cool posters’ bar :

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