Saturday 30 November 2013


  Today I have decided that for the content on my double page spread I will produce an interview with the featured girl group 'CRUSH' from the front cover. I have decided to produce an interview because many magazine double page spreads are in interview form. In addition the only other option that I was considering was to do a story on the girl group rather than an interview. I decided against it as I felt an interview was more appropriate for my target audience. In addition I don't think that a story would best fit the magazine.

  In producing the interview I will create it in a question - answer format, the interviewer and interviewees taking it in turns to speak i.e. asking and answering questions. I will present the questions from the interviewer with a large Q and answers from the girl group with a large A.

  In terms of the content of the interview I will need to ensure that I include information that links to my juicy title. I will also give information about other things and brush upon the feature in the title, as this is what, from experience, many popular magazines do.

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