Saturday 30 November 2013



  I decided to add a competition to the magazine to add even more appeal to it for the audience. it will give people the opportunity to get up close to their favourite girl group, which some young girls would die for and therefore but the magazine simply to try and win. For this reason I will be adding an advertisement of the competition to the front cover of the music magazine.
  I also added a competition to the double page spread as it fits in with the article in addition it brings colour to the page.

  I created the image above by producing two circles, one pastel blue with and shading effect, and the other pink and placing the pink on top of the blue. I chose the colours because they fit in with the theme/colour scheme of the magazine.
  The text on top I produced by using a font generator from the internet again. I used that specific font because I think that it fits in with the idea of a competition and represents it well. You will notice that the name of the band 'crush' is in capital letters and larger than the rest of the text to draw immediate attention to it for 'crush' fans. The competition will also draw attention as the first word in the bubble is 'win' which many people will be drawn to as people love getting things for free.

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