Saturday 30 November 2013


 The title for my double page spread is "A new man on the horizon for Megan?" The colours that I have used for this are a pastel pink for the text and a pastel blue for the semi-circle behind it. I have specifically chosen these colours because they link back to my front cover and carry the theme through to the double page spread. I also think that these colours will appeal to my target and attract them to the article.

  The text that I have used for the title I produced by using a font generator on the internet. I used this particular font because I feel that it fits in with the content of the article. I also selected it because my target audience will see it as fun and cool.

  For the wording of the title I played around with different headlines that I thought would best suit the article and at the same time appeal to the audience. The title that I have selected presents to the audience the idea of a juicy new story about Megan and her love life, it also adds an element of mystery for them because it doesn't give a lot away. Therefore this entices the reader into reading the article.

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