Tuesday 26 November 2013


 Today I have continued to put my music magazine together. So far I have edited the original colour for the colour of the column going down the left hand side of the cover. I have changed it from a bolder, deeper blue to a lighter baby blue. I did this as I thought that it would be more age appropriate for my target audience. In addition I feel that it fits in more with my colour scheme and theme.
here is a preview of the magazine so far:
 I have also inserted the image of Harriet that I have previously selected. I have placed it in a box with a plain, white background and a pink rim around the edge of the box. I have also put the story concerning Harriet linked to the right of the box. The white text on a block pink background adds a fun, young and poppy element to the magazine. I also feel that both the style and colours used for this will appeal to my target audience.
 You will also notice that I have added the banner at the top of the magazine front cover. I have done it so that the banner is purple so that it stands out from the rest of the main cover as the rest of the cover is all pinks and blues. I have also done this as in my research I have noticed that other magazines too used bold or outlandish colours for this banner so that they stand out more.
As you will also have noticed I have slightly tilted the banner so that it is not exactly straight. I think this adds more of a fun element to the magazine, in addition it makes the magazine appear less serious and age appropriate for my target audience.

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