Saturday 30 November 2013


  The image that I have used for the double page spread is of the four girls in the girls group presented on the front cover. The image links in to the title and the content of the text because in the image Megan is standing alone on the far left and the other girls are leaning to the right whispering to one another and at the same time looking shocked at the news that they have just heard from one another. the reader will automatically assume that the three girls are talking about Megan's mystery man first presented in the title. Megan is also standing very boldly and proud with her hip, it is also clear that she can see the girls whispering but she doesn't care because she is pleased with herself.
  The image is very large and in the centre of the double page spread so when the reader turns to this page it is the first thing that their attention is drawn to. I also feel that the image will entice the audience into reading the article.

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