Thursday 10 October 2013

Magazine Images

  Once we had finished our mock-ups we then began work on our final school magazine. I brought my own digital camera into school so that I could begin to take the photographs for my magazine. the photographs that I needed were one of a girl with her thumbs up and the other of the head girl. In addition I needed both girls to be sixth formers as that is my target audience.

  For the pictures i used fellow pupils Rachel Callahan and Zantelle Madden. before I decided which pictures to use I experimented using different lighting, backgrounds, camera angles and clothing. once I had taken the pictures i uploaded them onto the computer and assessed each one and considered whether or not they would be suitable for my magazine front cover.

  For example I took the picture above in one of the school's food technology rooms in front of a pull down projection screen. I did this as i wanted a plain white background with no objects or features in the background as i did not want the attention to be taken away from Rachel. For my magazine I will need to get a medium close up shot as at the moment there is too much of her in the image.
  I asked Rachel to look directly down the camera lens as I wanted the effect of her looking directly at the audience. This will make the reader feel like Rachel is engaging and reaching out to them.

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