Tuesday 1 October 2013

 So far in the course I have learnt the different codes and conventions which should be included on a magazine front cover, and how these can make a difference to how the magazine is portrayed.
 Personally I think the main two conventions of a magazine front cover are the mast head and main image. Moreover I think that the main image is an important factor because you should be able to tell what the target audience is, for example if the main image was One Direction people would know that the target audience is young people and music fans.

Furthermore the main image is usually a medium close up shot and taken at eye-level. Therefore if the celebrity in the image is looking directly at the audience it gives a direct address, making it seem personal, making the audience want to buy the magazine.

 The masthead is a very important feature of the magazine as it needs to appeal to the target audience. If the font is too big or too bold then it can make the magazine look cheap and unprofessional. The mast head should also demonstrate the target audience and what the magazine is about.

After I created my mock up for my magazine front cover I assessed it and looked into the strengths and weaknesses of it. I also recruited fellow classmates to peer assess my mock up. After analysing my mock up I realised that there were a few mistakes, such as; spelling, too many different colours (a colour scheme was needed) and it didn't look very professional at all. However a strength was the title, as it was clear from the title exactly who my target audience was.

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