Friday 24 January 2014

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

  As already mentioned I have learnt a lot about editing the pictures that I have taken for the music magazine. I have discovered that it is much easier to used the Internet website 'Clipping Magic' to remove the background from my images farther than using Microsoft' PowerPoint. I learnt much about Clipping Magic and how to use it as there was a step-by-step instructions available when you first visit the website. from this website i have also learnt that it is possible to remove the background from an image but keep the hair in, so that it looks natural and not like huge chunks of the model's hair is missing. Below is an analogy of what I learnt from the website.

  From working on the music magazine I also developed my skills of working with a camera. I decided to use my own camera for the photography because I am more familiar with it and how to use it as oppose to the school cameras, for this reason I felt that my own would be easier to use, in addition the school cameras are camcorders so I felt that that may make using a school camera more complicated. When using my camera to take the pictures I noticed that square shapes focused on the models faces which was useful in capturing the girls' facial expressions.
   During the production of the product I have also developed skills and knowledge of Microsoft Word and Publisher. I found it easier to type text into a Word document and then paste it into the Publisher document that I used to create the magazine. I found it very easy to use Publisher to produce my music magazine. From the process I have learnt that Publisher gives you the opportunity to add pages to the one document, enabling me to produce the whole magazine in the same document rather than numerous ones. I also discovered that Publisher gives you the opportunity to  create a double page spread within the document which makes it a lot easier to work with, it does this by placing two single pages next to each other.

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