Wednesday 25 September 2013

School Magazine

  Today were we're introduced to the school magazine mock up that we are going to create.
  In class we were shown a mock-up that was produced last year and we had to evaluate it. From the example of the front cover I made the following notes;

- the image used was not a medium close up

- the image was not in the centre of the page

- too much space around the image was wasted i.e. it was not filled with text

- the speech bubbles that were used look too childish and unprofessional

- the anchorage text was good as it was a play on words

- the title was eye catching and the masthead added a splash of colour

My camera shots and angles

Monday 23 September 2013

Camera shots

In lesson we were showed the following camera shots and angles:
Next lesson we will be given the opportunity to take our own camera angles and shots and i will put them into a table, much like the one above.